Need AAA’s Help? Just Talk to Alexa or Google Assistant

AAA Mid States

AAA members needing emergency service can now get help just by talking to their digital assistant. A new AAA-developed feature for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa allows members to forgo the call and make requests for some roadside service needs, such as fuel refills, battery replacements, or flat tire repairs directly through their digital assistants.


Before using the feature – also called a “skill” – users must enable Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa on their service device. To request roadside service, members instruct Google Assistant/Home to “Hey Google, talk to AAA Road Service” or say “ Alexa, open AAA Road Service” to Amazon Alexa. Once the skill is activated, it guides users through the process of making a request. Members can use the skill to do the following:

  • Create a light service call
  • Ask for an update on a technician or estimated time of arrival


The first time a member makes a request, the feature will ask them to confirm their AAA membership by asking for their membership number, last name and home ZIP code. Once confirmed, the member can access the service from any device that supports Google Assistant/Home or Amazon Alexa.


This skill follows a similar feature AAA unveiled in 2017 that provides access to 31,000 AAA Inspected & Approved restaurants to pinpoint a restaurant locally or find the perfect place to dine while traveling on a vacation. There are now about 118 million virtual assistants in use in U.S. homes.


The skill is available to all members who have enabled Google Home/Assistant or Amazon Alexa on their smart devices. Though limited to specific road service requests for now, future plans include expanding the feature to accommodate full-service requests such as towing.